What are the top 10 foods that promote wound healing

There is no such thing as “top 10 foods for wound healing”. Foods generally do not have any therapeutic properties, but can only provide the body with the necessary nutrients to maintain the normal functioning of the body. If you want to promote wound healing, you should go to the hospital to consult a doctor, through medication, general measures and other ways to improve. However, the human body needs a lot of nutrients, especially proteins and vitamins, for wound healing. Foods that are rich in high quality proteins and vitamins are generally able to promote wound healing, such as fish, chicken, beef, fresh vegetables and fruits. Food practices should be light and easily digestible, avoiding spicy and stimulating diets. It is recommended to consult a doctor in a regular hospital, and under the doctor’s guidance, choose an appropriate diet to help wound recovery, avoid blind faith in biased prescriptions.

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