Difference between desmoplastic and desmocortical tonicity

The difference between desmoplastic and desmocortical ankylosis mainly lies in the different parts of the lesion, different clinical manifestations, and so on.

1. Different lesion sites. Desmoplastic ankylosis mainly refers to the damage at the level of the midbrain, while desmoplastic ankylosis refers to the extensive damage of the cerebral cortex.

2. Different clinical manifestations. The main clinical manifestation of decerebral ankylosis is that the upper limb flexor muscle tone is increased and the upper limb is flexed; the lower limb extensor muscle tone is increased and the lower limb is straightened. Decorticate ankylosis is characterized by increased muscle tone of the extensor muscles of the limbs, and the limbs are stretch-like ankylosis.

Both desmoid and decorticate ankylosis are a more serious state, and the survival period will be shortened if care and nutrition are not strengthened.

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