The efficacy and effectiveness of drinking Luo Han Guo on fire

Luo Han Guo has clear heat and moisturize the lungs, smooth intestines and laxatives, etc. If belonging to the lungs and intestines dry and hot evidence of fire, drink Luo Han Guo can play a role in improving the sore throat, dry stools and other symptoms.
Fire is a folk saying, refers to the human body heat evidence of a pathological state, because more in the head and face, known as “fire”. Clinical manifestations of dry lips, sore throat, tinnitus, deafness, urination, constipation and other symptoms.
Luo Han Guo is sweet in flavor, cool in nature, belonging to the lung, large intestine meridian. It has the effect of clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs, facilitating the pharynx and opening the voice, and lubricating the intestines and laxatives. It is mainly used for the treatment of lung-heat and dry cough, sore throat and loss of voice, intestinal dryness and constipation. This product is not recommended for people with cold spleen and stomach.
As Luo Han Guo belongs to the lung and large intestine meridian, it has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, facilitating the pharynx and opening the voice, and lubricating the intestines and passing stools, when the patient has symptoms of fire such as sore throat and dry stools, which belongs to the evidence of lung and intestinal dryness and heat, it can be treated with Luo Han Guo.
Clinically, if the patient is not feeling well, it is recommended to consult a professional physician at the hospital in a timely manner, and follow the doctor’s instructions to use medication.

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