How to do the cervical spine orthopedic reset

Cervical spondylosis is usually characterized by degenerative changes in the cervical spine, and the vertebrae may show instability, intervertebral joint hyperplasia, straightening of vertebral curvature, etc. It can also be accompanied by strain and soreness of the muscles in the neck, shoulder and back. Therefore, these conditions can be corrected through the cervical spine orthopedic repositioning technique. Specific methods can be used such as traction and rotation. Patients can usually adopt a sitting position with their hands hanging down naturally, and first perform manual relaxation treatment on the neck and shoulder muscles and obvious pain points, which can improve local circulation and loosen spastic muscles, and then gently tract the cervical spine with both hands upward for about 15 seconds, tracting 2-3 times. Let the patient slowly rotate the cervical spine to the maximum angle on one side by himself, slightly flexing the cervical spine. The operator can hold the patient’s jaw at the elbow fossa and fix the back of the neck with the other hand. Give a quick and gentle lifting force on both hands at the same time, and then simply relax the patient’s neck and shoulder muscles.

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