What’s wrong with the redness and pain at the end of the eye?

The redness and pain at the end of the eye may be caused by diseases such as granuloma and conjunctivitis, and the patient should consult a doctor in time to clarify the cause of the disease and then carry out appropriate treatment.
1. granuloma: redness at the end of the eye, but also pain, may occur in the eyelid glands of acute suppurative inflammation, i.e., caused by granuloma, mostly single, the patient will also have the eyes easy to tear, severe cases will also have a loss of vision, can be used locally levofloxacin, erythromycin, or oral erythromycin and so on, for treatment.
2. Conjunctivitis: redness and pain at the end of the eye may also be caused by conjunctivitis, there will be dryness of the eyes, itchy, foreign body sensation, itchy, can be used locally levofloxacin, acyclovir and other drugs for treatment.
The redness of the tail of the eye, may also be triggered by other reasons, the emergence of this symptom should be timely consultation, follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment and medication, do not self-medication, so as not to cause adverse consequences.

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