Is it normal for contractions to stop for two hours?

If the contraction stops after two hours, if the pregnant woman has no discomfort and the fetal movement is normal, it is generally a normal performance, and you need to continue to stay at home to observe the labor, if there are regular contractions and vaginal redness, premature rupture of membranes and other phenomena, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to wait for delivery.
Generally, contractions that stop after two hours are irregular contractions, i.e. false contractions. Pseudocontractions do not occur regularly, and their intensity varies, sometimes strong, sometimes weak. Pseudocontractions are caused by the lower part of the uterus being compressed by the descent of the baby’s first dew in preparation for labor.
As the uterus is sensitive during the 37th to 38th week of pregnancy, false contractions will become more and more frequent. The mother should continue to wait for labor at home, and perform appropriate exercises, such as walking and climbing stairs, which will help the fetal prelude to descend and the pelvis to open up. At the same time, it is necessary to observe when false contractions become regular contractions, vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of membranes and other symptoms of labor should be hospitalized as soon as possible.

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