Chinese medicine for wind and fire toothache

Wind-fire toothache is mainly due to the feeling of wind and fire, which then attacks the teeth, manifesting as red and swollen gums, lymphatic swelling and pain, and affecting eating. It is mostly related to the accumulation of heat in the spleen and stomach or heat in the lungs. Commonly used Chinese medicines include Toothache and Anti-inflammatory Spirit Granules and Huanglian Shangqing Pill, etc. However, it is still necessary to consult with a medical professional before using the medicine. Dental pain and anti-inflammatory spirit granules are mainly composed of gypsum, thorns, mudanpi, wind, etc., with the effect of dredging wind and clearing heat, cooling blood and relieving pain. It is mostly used for gingival swelling and pain, headache, body heat, dry mouth and halitosis caused by the accumulation of heat in the spleen and stomach and the attack of wind-heat. Pregnant women should not take it, and should not take tonic Chinese medicine at the same time during the period of taking the medicine. Huanglian Shangqing Pill is mainly composed of Huanglian, Gardenia, Forsythia, Forsythia and other traditional Chinese medicines. It has the efficacy of dispersing wind and clearing heat, diarrhea and pain relief. It is mostly used for the evidence of heatiness of the lungs and stomach (the heat of the lungs and stomach is very heavy) and wind-heat attacking the upper part of the lungs and stomach, with symptoms such as toothache, mouth and tongue sores, sore throat, earache and tinnitus, etc. It is forbidden for people with coldness of the spleen and stomach. It is not suitable for people with cold spleen and stomach, and it is not suitable to take tonic Chinese medicine at the same time during the period of taking the medicine. Note that the medication should be used under the guidance of a doctor, and should not be used on its own, so as not to cause adverse reactions.

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