Is acacia rice more potent when fried or dried?

Sophora japonica herb named Sophora japonica, fried and dried directly in the efficacy of certain differences, and can not be compared simply, there is no “which efficacy is good”, patients can be based on the actual condition, under the guidance of a doctor to correctly use the drug.
Fried acacia flowers that fried acacia flowers, directly dried acacia flowers that raw acacia flowers, both of which can be attributed to the liver meridian and the large intestine meridian, the taste are bitter cold, and all have a clear liver and fire, cool the blood to stop the efficacy of the liver heat and eye, headache and dizziness, a variety of hemorrhagic disease have efficacy. But from the flavor and specific effects, fried acacia flowers of bitter and cold nature and effects relative to raw acacia flowers to be slightly moderate.
Fried acacia flowers and raw acacia flowers need to be used with caution in the spleen and stomach cold, Yin deficiency fever but no real fire, these two drugs in the clinical application, can not simply judge which medicine is good, the patient in the use of drugs, need to be combined with their own actual disease, under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to the correct use of medication.
The discomfort need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of a professional doctor’s evidence, do not self-medication, so as not to delay the condition.

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