Is it normal to have no fetal heartbeat for 70 days?

The absence of fetal heartbeat at 70 days is mostly abnormal and may be related to embryonic dysplasia. However, it does not exclude the normal situation, such as when the pregnant woman has delayed ovulation, there may also be no fetal heart on 70 days. 1. normal situation: if there is delayed menstrual cycle and delayed ovulation, resulting in late formation of fertilized egg and small gestational sac, it is normal to see no fetal heart at this time, after 10-15 days, if the fetal heart and fetal bud are found, then the maternity check can be done on time, but if the fetal heart and fetal bud are still not found If the fetal heart and fetal bud are still not found, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination under the doctor’s guidance. 2. abnormal situation: if the average diameter of the gestational sac is >2.5-3cm and the length of the fetal bud is >5-7mm at 70 days of pregnancy, or if the gestational sac lasts for more than 2 weeks and the fetal heart is still not seen, it is more likely that the development will stop. It is necessary to go to the hospital, verify with the doctor the date of cessation of menstruation, the date of conception, and determine the details of the fetus, and if the embryo is arrested, if necessary, it is necessary to perform a cervical operation to terminate the pregnancy. There are many reasons for embryonic arrest, such as exposure to toxic and harmful substances in early pregnancy, blind medication, and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, all of which can lead to abnormal embryonic development. If you notice an abnormality, you should seek medical attention and actively communicate with your doctor to avoid delaying treatment.

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