What is the large platelet ratio high

A high ratio of large platelets can be caused by dehydration or low water intake, primary thrombocythemia, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, and so on. 1. Dehydration or low water intake: When there is dehydration or low water intake, the blood will be concentrated, resulting in a high ratio of large platelets. 2. Primary thrombocythemia: primary thrombocythemia can lead to a high average platelet volume and a high proportion of large platelets. 3. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia: patients with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia will have a high proportion of large platelets, which may be accompanied by anemia, bleeding, infection and other symptoms. It is not possible to judge from one indicator alone, and other indicators need to be integrated to judge. It is recommended that patients go to regular hospitals for further examination to clarify the cause of the disease and take targeted treatment under the guidance of professional doctors.

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