Efficacy and effects of Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoid Suppository

Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Suppository has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, subduing swelling and relieving pain, etc. It can be used for treating hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Musk Hemorrhoids Suppository is composed of Furnace Glycolite Powder, Artificial Musk, Artificial Oxalic, Ice Tablet, Pearl, etc. It has the efficacy of stopping bleeding and regenerating muscle, clearing heat and removing toxins, subduing swelling and relieving pain. It can be used for the treatment of anal pain and burning caused by heat in the large intestine, bleeding in the stool, bright red blood, and all kinds of anal fissure and hemorrhoids see the above symptoms. The use of Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Suppository occasionally see constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, reduced sweating, mouth, nose, throat and skin dryness, the elderly urinary difficulties and other adverse reactions. This product is prohibited for internal use, lactating women are prohibited, avoid smoking and alcohol and greasy, spicy, stimulating food during the use of drugs. Symptoms such as defecation discomfort should go to the hospital in time, the use of Ma Yinglong hemorrhoid suppository, need to be guided by a professional physician.

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