Post-parathyroid surgery care

Post-operative care mainly includes: 1. In the 6-8 hours just after the surgery, you can drink a small amount of warm water if the doctor allows, but you can’t drink too cold or too hot water, which will lead to local bleeding and even pain; 2. You can eat some warm and cool diet, such as thin porridge and noodles, and you can eat some low-fat and low-cholesterol high-quality protein, such as fish and shrimp, but you can’t eat too spicy food, such as chili peppers and spicy food, etc.; 3. If there is a drainage tube after surgery, the amount and nature of the drainage tube needs to be observed to prevent any local bleeding; 4. Do not lift your head locally after surgery to prevent pulling on the wound and causing pain or causing wound bleeding. There are other precautions that can be taken by consulting with the attending physician of the surgery.

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