Are there malignant subcutaneous nodules on the calves?

Calf subcutaneous nodules can be malignant, but in most cases they are benign. The more common types of subcutaneous nodules on the calf are sebaceous cysts, lipomas, fibromas, etc. Most of them are benign and do not cause significant discomfort. However, as the nodules gradually increase in size, such as sebaceous cysts or lipomas, they may cause pain when pressed, and in the case of sebaceous cysts secondary to infection, they may manifest as localized redness, swelling and hot pain. In addition, it is not excluded that malignant disease may occur. In the case of malignant nodules, the progression of the disease tends to be faster, and the rapid growth of the nodules may be accompanied by obvious pain. Calf subcutaneous nodules should be timely to the hospital to find out whether it is benign or malignant, and targeted to take treatment or treatment.

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