What’s wrong with people who lose weight?

The causes of weight loss are divided into physiological and pathological causes. Physiological causes include insufficient eating, excessive exercise, etc. Pathological causes include diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, and malignant tumors. It is recommended to consult a doctor. 1. Physiological reasons: eating less, a single type of food, increased exercise, work intensity, irregular work and rest, staying up all night, etc. This may cause weight loss. This situation may cause weight loss, need to change the existing lifestyle, regular work and rest, normal diet, work and rest. 2. Pathologic causes: (1) Diabetes mellitus: typical symptoms of three more and one less, i.e. polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and weight loss. You can monitor the fasting and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose, clear with or without diabetes, if in line with the diagnosis of diabetes, need to be under the guidance of the doctor for glucose-lowering treatment, combined with diet, exercise therapy. (2) Hyperthyroidism: patients often have hypermetabolic manifestations, panic, sweating, loss of weight, increased frequency of bowel movements, hand tremors, irritability and so on. The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is clarified by perfecting thyroid function test and thyroid imaging. Oral anti-hyperthyroidism drugs, radioactive iodine therapy, surgery and other treatments can be prescribed. (3) Malignant tumor: The growth process of malignant tumor cells will consume energy and nutrients of human body, meanwhile, the pain of the tumor may lead to decrease in appetite and food intake, so the weight will be lost and emaciated. Therefore, if you lose weight and emaciation, you should pay attention to it and need to go to the hospital for consultation in time.

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