What should I do if I have brain swelling and headache?

Brain swelling and headache may be related to physiological factors, or it may be caused by high blood pressure, cervical spondylosis, migraine, insufficient blood supply to the brain and so on. Different causes have different treatment methods. The main thing is to carry out general treatment, drug treatment and so on.
1. Physiological factors: If it is caused by long-term poor rest, resulting in insufficient sleep, caused by brain swelling, headache. You should pay attention to correcting the bad habits of work and rest, regular work and rest time, avoid staying up late, and ensure enough sleep, which is conducive to relief.
2. High blood pressure: If it is due to elevated blood pressure, resulting in brain swelling, headache. Enalapril, Irbesartan and other antihypertensive drugs can be applied, which is conducive to the gradual decrease of blood pressure, thus relieving brain swelling and headache.
3. Cervical spondylosis: If cervical spondylosis causes brain swelling and headache, physical therapy, such as local massage, traction, etc., will help improve local blood circulation and relieve the above symptoms. It can also be combined with the application of medication, such as diclofenac, ibuprofen and so on.
4. Migraine: If it is caused by migraine attack, resulting in brain swelling headache. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be applied. If the symptoms are serious, you need to consider applying drugs such as Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan and other Triptans to relieve them.
5. Insufficient blood supply to the brain: If the brain swelling and headache are caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. Aspirin, clopidogrel and other anti-platelet aggregation of drugs, the application of nimodipine and other drugs to expand the cerebral vasculature, is conducive to improving the cerebral blood supply, reduce clinical symptoms.
Brain swelling and headache, after excluding physiological factors, should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and strictly comply with the doctor’s instructions for medication.

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