What does a popliteal cyst look like?

Symptoms of popliteal cysts are characterized by typical symptoms and complicating symptoms; the former are mainly swelling, pain, and limitation of movement, and the latter are vascular embolism of the lower extremity and rupture of the cyst. Popliteal cyst is a general term for popliteal synovial cyst, which is generally considered to be the result of minor injuries to the local bursa and the semitendinosus and medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. 1.Typical symptoms (1) Swelling: the popliteal fossa is obviously protruding, and a round, smooth cyst can be seen behind the knee joint. (2) Pain: compression of nerves can lead to peripheral neuropathy, numbness and pain. When the cyst ruptures, it can cause inflammation of the soft tissues around the joint and severe pain in the affected limb. (3) Restriction of activities: the cyst is increasing in size, resulting in obvious local swelling, which seriously affects the activities of the knee joint. 2. Complications (1) Lower extremity vascular embolism: the cyst is too large and may compress the blood vessels and cause thrombosis in the lower extremity. (2) Rupture of the cyst: trauma, violent injury and other factors may lead to rupture of the cyst. If you have any uncomfortable symptoms, go to the hospital as soon as possible, and make individualized diagnosis and treatment plan according to the specific condition.

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