What is the average thickness of the lining when you are about to menstruate?

When menstruation is approaching, the thickness of the endometrium is about 10mm or more, but this value is not fixed due to individual differences in different people, and there may be a deviation of 1~2mm between different people. The thickness of the endometrium undergoes cyclic proliferation and exfoliation in response to the hormones secreted by the ovaries. During the proliferative phase, the endometrium gradually thickens to about 5~10mm. during the secretory phase, the endometrium is about 10~12mm thick, and during the menstrual phase, the endometrium sheds its thickness to about 4~6mm. When menstruation is approaching, the endometrium is at the junction between the secretory phase and the menstrual phase. When menstruation has not yet arrived, the endometrium is thicker, about 10mm or more, and the endometrium sheds so that menstruation occurs, so the endometrium becomes thin. If abnormal endometrial thickness occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time for standardized treatment under the doctor’s guidance.

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