Is it normal to urinate frequently when you’re pregnant?

Frequent urination in pregnancy may be normal or abnormal.
1. Normal: For pregnant women who are pregnant, frequent urination is mostly a physiological manifestation, such as in the case of excessive water intake, there may be frequent urination. As the uterus grows, it may press on the bladder, resulting in the symptom of frequent urination. If not accompanied by other manifestations, generally do not need special treatment, good hygiene care can be.
2. Abnormal: pregnancy urinary frequency, may also be an abnormal performance, such as pregnant women usually do not pay attention to personal hygiene, it is likely that urinary tract infection, and then the symptoms of frequent urination, accompanied by urinary urgency, urinary pain, urination and other related symptoms, if necessary, with the doctor to choose the treatment.
Pregnant with the phenomenon of frequent urination, should be combined with their own situation, so as to determine which belongs to the cause, and then cooperate with the doctor to deal with and treatment, can not blindly use drugs.

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