Can I take paracetamol if I am breastfeeding?

Paracetamol is not recommended for breastfeeding, it is a drug for allergies and if taken during breastfeeding it can affect the growth and development of the baby through the breast milk and may cause deformities in the baby. If you have to take paracetamol during breastfeeding, you should go to the hospital and take it under the guidance of a doctor. It is also forbidden to breastfeed for six hours after taking paracetamol, and only after six hours can you breastfeed in small amounts. Paracetamol has a certain anticholinergic effect, mainly used to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions, such as urticaria, rhinitis, etc. It also has a central inhibitory and sedative effect, but babies are more sensitive to anticholinergic effects. For the health of the baby breastfeeding try not to eat such drugs, breastfeeding should pay attention to eat less spicy, stimulating food, eat more vegetables, fruits, keep a happy mood.

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