What should I do if my baby has foamy diarrhea?

Babies sometimes have foamy diarrhea, many times because there is a lot of water in the baby’s stool, and the coliform bacteria in the intestines break down sugars and produce gas, so there will be foamy production. Parents should pay attention to the baby’s diet on a daily basis, especially breastfeeding mothers, to pay attention to a light diet that is easy to digest, otherwise it will also affect the baby. So how to do if your baby has diarrhea with foam? How to care for it? Babies have foam in their stool mainly because 80% of the baby’s stool is water, which is thin due to breastfeeding, and the coliform bacteria in the intestines break down sugars and produce gas, so there will be foam. If it is not diarrhea, no special treatment is needed. Causes of frothy stools in babies: 1, caused by indigestion, when too much starchy or sugary food is preferred, it can increase the fermentation of food in the intestinal cavity and produce dark brown watery stools with foam; 2, the baby gets cold outdoors; 3, the baby’s stomach is often exposed and not protected. What should I do if my baby has foamy diarrhea? If the baby is not too many times frothy, there is no need to be too anxious, it is likely to be a little cold caused. However, the baby’s digestive system is not perfect at this time, indigestion is also common, usually pay attention to the diet, if the baby is breast-fed, then the mother should also pay attention to their own diet. The mother’s diet should be light and easy to digest, avoid spicy and warm dry food, such as: leek, garlic, chili, pepper, etc. Do not eat cold, hard food. If the number of poops is high and the baby has other discomforts, it is best to see a pediatrician. Babies’ intestines are very delicate, with little gastric acid secretion and insufficient enzyme activity, which can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and digestive problems. When choosing a formula, carefully choose a formula with beta-vegetable oil (affinity structured lipid) and moderate hydrolyzed protein, moderate hydrolyzed protein, the protein macromolecule after hydrolysis to form a smaller molecular mixture, reduce the gastrointestinal digestive burden, easier for the baby to absorb. At the same time, the addition of probiotics can not be ignored, probiotics can secrete lactase, help digest lactose, reduce lactose intolerance caused by constipation, bloating, diarrhea, etc. How to take care of baby diarrhea with foam? 1, reasonable feeding, adjust the diet; 2, serious diarrhea baby dehydration should go to the hospital to replenish electrolytes; 3, artificial feeding or preparation of complementary food should pay attention to dietary hygiene, to prevent disease from the mouth, the baby use of bottles, pacifiers should be boiled daily sterilization; 4, do not give diarrhea baby abuse of antibiotic drugs, so as not to cause intestinal flora disorders; 5, suspend a period of complementary food feeding, into the liquid food-based The baby’s diarrhea will gradually improve and then enter semi-liquid food.

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