How do you fix a bone stuck in your throat that you can’t swallow?

Bones stuck in the throat can not be swallowed should be promptly sought medical attention, the doctor to deal with. If breathing is affected, the Heimlich maneuver can be used urgently to squeeze the abdominal cavity and try to expel the bone to avoid asphyxiation. If breathing is not affected, the bone can be removed from the throat under laryngoscopy using pharyngeal foreign body forceps. Bones stuck in the throat can not be swallowed, clinically known as pharyngeal foreign body, can also be esophageal foreign body, mainly caused by individuals eating improperly, should go to the emergency department of the hospital in a timely manner; first of all, you can try the Heimlich maneuver; such as the bone can be seen directly peeping small, often consider using forceps to clip out the foreign body; if the bone stuck in the deeper in the epiglottis bone, the root of the tongue and other parts of the laryngeal laryngeal laryngeal laryngeal laryngeal laryngoscope to take out the foreign body; there are secondary infections need to be controlled with medication. Infected people need to use medicine to control inflammation before removing the foreign body. Foreign bodies in the throat should be actively consulted and treated by a doctor to avoid adverse events.

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