Can you exercise with a 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram?

It is recommended to maintain normal daily activities and avoid strenuous exercise so as not to affect the results of 24-hour ECG. 24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram can detect all kinds of arrhythmia and myocardial ischemia with or without symptoms in each state of the patient in 24 hours, especially for early coronary heart disease has a higher detection rate. When doing dynamic electrocardiogram examination, patients can walk, eat, sleep, simple activities are also allowed, but it is best not to strenuous exercise. Exercise may cause the electrodes to fall off or interfere with the recording of ECG activity, affecting the test results. Every time the patient has a feeling of discomfort, the time of the episode should be recorded in a timely manner. It is also not allowed to approach strong magnetic and electric fields, which may interfere with the ECG recording. Please follow your doctor’s instructions for specific conditions.

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