How many hours do you usually put on the ointment?

Applying ointment is generally recommended for 5 to 12 hours. Generally five or six hours is appropriate, depending on the situation. Different plasters contain different ingredients, different drug content, different efficacy. The mechanism of action is different, so the time required for plastering is different. For localized acute sprain patients can apply ointment, depending on the pain, swelling recovery, generally within 12 hours of pain, swelling will improve. Some patients are allergic to the material of the ointment or allergic to some of the components of the drug in the ointment, if there is itching, erythema and other discomfort, it is recommended that patients immediately tear off the ointment, do not apply. Some plasters should not be applied for a long time, because the drug ingredients can only be maintained for about 3 to 5 hours, so the long time the plaster has no effect need not be applied again.

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