Three major misconceptions in the prevention and treatment of pruritus in the elderly

  Misconceptions a. Misuse of drugs Many people in the skin itching, to save time or money, often go to the pharmacy to buy topical drugs, not knowing that pruritic diseases are not allergic diseases, itching occurs for different reasons and different parts, there are differences in the use of drugs. Most clinical patients feel itchy skin, in the purchase of topical or oral medication, without the guidance of a regular dermatologist, the choice of drugs are mostly antihistamine oral medication, hormonal topical preparations, the lighter in the condition is not beneficial, the heavier will form a dependence, resulting in the aggravation of skin itching.  Suggestions: should be under the guidance of a dermatologist reasonable use of drugs.  Myth 2, scratching excessive scratching is the most convenient way to stop itching, most pruritic skin diseases in the process of scratching can reduce the symptoms, and even have to scratch excessively, blood and water overflow, only to feel relief from itching. However, in the case of persistent itchy skin in the elderly, repeated scratching results in obvious skin damage, such as skin scratching, bleeding, crusting, septic infection, etc. Long-term skin mossiness occurs, making the disease more complicated and treatment becomes difficult. Because after mechanical stimulation, the skin epidermal cells will proliferate, thicken and resist stronger stimulation. The result of scratching again makes the skin thicker and thicker, forming a vicious cycle of scratching more and more itchy, more and more itchy scratching.  Suggestions: older pruritus try not to scratch to stop the itch, can be used externally more mild anti-itch preparations, or internal sedative anti-itch drugs, or to divert attention to reduce itching.  Myth three, hot water scalding Some patients believe that itchy skin because the skin is not clean, or skin worms, so that patients over-bathing, coupled with a very strong alkaline bath soap or medicinal soap, each bathing time is long, or even wash multiple times a day. The second with very hot water to wash the affected skin, feel very comfortable, and have a temporary stop itching effect. I do not know that excessive bathing, especially hot water scalding, not only but also the skin surface with skin care role of lipid film are removed, the lack of lipid film protection of the skin, prone to dry cracking, exposed nerve endings by temperature changes and clothing fiber stimulation, microbial infections, etc.. And hotter water on the skin will lead to capillary dilation, long hot water scalding will make the vascular diastolic function abnormal, thus causing itchy skin symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people.  Suggestion: excessive washing or hot water scalding of the affected skin is not recommended.

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