Why do you get hemorrhoids during childbirth?

The possibility of getting hemorrhoids during childbirth refers to the fact that it is very easy to get hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The first of these is that as the uterus gradually increases and squeezes the pelvis and abdominal cavity, the abdominal pressure gradually increases, the inferior vena cava reflux is poor and the blood vessels become more relaxed, especially the hemorrhoidal vein reflux is more difficult and the hemorrhoidal vein tends to expand, tortuous and congested, which can aggravate the hemorrhoids. The occurrence of hemorrhoids. Secondly, changes in hormone levels during pregnancy and an increase in progesterone reduce the elasticity of venous vessels, which can easily cause venous relaxation and expansion, making hemorrhoids more likely to develop. Third, changes in hormone levels during pregnancy and changes in living and eating habits cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, which can easily lead to constipation. The forceful squeezing of the rectum and anus during defecation obstructs the reflux of the hemorrhoidal veins in the anus, further aggravating the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Fourth, it is more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids in normal life, and if you have hemorrhoids before pregnancy itself, the symptoms of hemorrhoids may be aggravated after pregnancy.

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