What acupressure points are best for the heart

The best point to massage the heart is the Neiguan point, the heart Yu point, the extreme spring point, etc. There is no best point to massage the heart. Neiguan point, for the hand syncope pericardium meridian point, is not only clinically have a two-way regulation of the role of the acupuncture point, and usually health care, for the improvement of cardiac discomfort, regulating the autonomic nervous system have great benefits. It is often used to treat chest tightness, palpitations (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic), chest pain, and cardiac discomfort caused by autonomic dysfunction. Xin Yu point, the back point of the heart, has the effect of clearing the channels and tranquilizing the mind, broadening the chest and regulating the qi. It is often used clinically in conjunction with Neiguan point to treat heart diseases. It is also used as an important health point for general health care. The extreme spring point, for the hand less yin heart meridian point, efficacy broad chest qi, located in the armpit apex, due to the location of hidden, clinical acupuncture, the use of frequency is not high, but can be used as a usual massage health care important point. When you have heart disease, you should go to the hospital, consult a professional doctor, do not do it yourself or use it blindly, so as not to cause adverse consequences. The above acupuncture points should go to the hospital for relevant treatment.

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