How to cure internal rectal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids proctitis is belongs to two diseases, may exist at the same time, can be treated by medication, surgery and other therapeutic measures. 1. Internal hemorrhoids: mild symptoms of internal hemorrhoids can be treated with local medication, such as choosing a number of hemorrhoidal suppositories, hemorrhoidal cream and other drugs, with the effect of reducing swelling, pain, itching; such as internal hemorrhoidal bleeding, prolapse and other serious, recurrent episodes of non-relief, can be surgical treatment, the operation can be taken to the local injection of sclerosing agent, adhesive ring sleeve ligation therapy, Doppler ultrasound guided hemorrhoidal arterial ligation, hemorrhoidal simple excision surgery, and other surgical treatment measures. At the same time, the treatment of internal hemorrhoids should adjust the life and diet habits, avoid spicy, stimulating food, drink more water, appropriate exercise, keep bowel movement. 2. proctitis: can be localized through local enema for local medication, can also be combined with oral mesalazine, salazosulfapyridine and other drugs; for ulcerative proctitis, serious cases can be taken to surgical treatment, such as to take rectal excision, ileal pouch anastomosis and so on. Once the diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids and proctitis is confirmed, it is recommended to go to regular hospitals in time and follow the doctor’s instructions to give reasonable and standardized treatment to avoid delaying the condition. The above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a professional doctor to avoid causing adverse reactions.

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