Acupuncture points to reduce fever in pediatrics

Pediatric fever points to reduce fever are large vertebrae, quchi, deviation, etc. Pediatric fever needs to be identified under the guidance of a professional doctor to identify the cause of the disease for symptomatic treatment, and should not be blindly resolved on their own. 1. Great vertebrae point, located under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra. It is mainly used for treating fever, malaria, cough, wheezing, bone vaporization and tidal fever (a burst of fever, feeling that the heat comes from the inside of the bone to the outside), strong neck, shoulder and back pain, strong lumbar spine, horn and bow, pediatric convulsions (pediatric diseases mainly manifested by fainting, twitching, and convulsions), and seizure and epilepsy, etc. It is very effective in reducing fever. It has a good effect of reducing fever. 2. Quchi, in the elbow area, bending the elbow at a right angle, the lateral end of the transverse stripe of the elbow at the midpoint of the line of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. It has the functions of clearing away heat and relieving surface, subduing swelling and relieving pain (eliminating swelling and pain), and dredging the channels and collaterals. It is mainly used for treating headache and sore throat in exogenous heat disease, wind-heat upward disturbance, and cough and asthma in wind-heat offending the lungs (wind-heat evil gas violating the lungs). 3. Migratory Calendar, located on the forearm, 3 inches above the transverse stripe on the distal side of the dorsal part of the wrist. It has the function of clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxicity from the body), inducing diuresis and eliminating swelling (facilitating urination and eliminating edema), and is mainly used for treating tinnitus and deafness, oedema, sore throat, fever, and so on. If there is physical discomfort, it is recommended to go to the regular hospital for examination and timely treatment to avoid delay.

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