Can I eat mangoes after gallbladder laparoscopy?

Can eat mango after gallbladder laparoscopy surgery. Gallbladder laparoscopic surgery itself is small incision, fast recovery, but in the early period after gallbladder laparoscopic surgery, bile discharge into the intestines to regulate the function of the weakening of the digestive dysfunction easily caused by diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal distension and other digestive problems, so gallbladder laparoscopic surgery patients need to eat a light, easy to digest food. Mango is light, soft and rich in nutrients. Mango itself is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which can replenish nutrients, while mango is rich in dietary fiber, which is easy to digest and can enhance intestinal peristalsis. So if gallbladder laparoscopic surgery patients are not allergic, it is possible to eat mangoes in moderation. Diet should also pay attention to eat less high fat, high cholesterol food, avoid spicy stimulating food, ban alcohol, reduce the stimulation of the biliary tract, is conducive to postoperative recovery.

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