What foods children should not eat for coughing

There are no absolute contraindications for children with coughs. Usually, they should avoid foods that are too cold and spicy, and eat foods that are high in vitamins. Coughing in children can be caused by allergies, respiratory infections, cold and many other factors. In general, during the treatment period, foods that are too cold, spicy and stimulating, such as cold drinks, chili peppers and mustard, should be avoided to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and aggravation of the pre-existing condition. During the treatment period, children should pay attention to a light diet, eat more foods rich in vitamins and proteins, such as carrots, eggs, milk, etc., to supplement the nutrients needed by the body. When children cough, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for examination, and under the guidance of the doctor to choose the appropriate treatment according to the actual situation, to avoid delaying the condition, resulting in adverse consequences.

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