How long can Ma Yinglong musk hemorrhoid suppositories be used

Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Suppositories are very effective in treating internal and mixed hemorrhoids. In general, for patients with mild symptoms, you can use it once or twice a day and see the effect after a few hours. If the symptoms are more serious, you can use it two to three times a day for one or two days to see the effect. Hemorrhoids are caused by varicose veins around the anus, and hemorrhoid suppositories only provide relief from pain and itching. If the symptoms of hemorrhoids do not improve after a few days of using Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Suppositories, you need to change your treatment. The pile suppositories contain a certain amount of musk as well as pearl and borax, which can easily cause infertility and allergic reactions in the long term, so it is best not to use the pile suppositories for more than a week.

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