How long does it take for children 8-10 years old to lose their teeth before they grow out

  How long it takes for teeth to come in for children aged 8-10 years old depends on the reason for tooth loss and individual circumstances, and cannot be generalized.  If children aged 8-10 years old have lost their milk teeth, permanent teeth can be grown after one month, and some children have lost their milk teeth before permanent teeth grow in half a year, which is normal and parents need not worry too much. If the tooth loss is caused by tooth decay, it is not because of the normal tooth replacement, generally the back teeth and cuspids grow out later, some children need to be about 12 years old before they can grow well. If the tooth is lost for a long time, parents are advised to take the child to the hospital dentistry department to take dental film to clarify the cause.  During the period of tooth replacement, parents need to pay attention to give their children proper nutrition, eat more food with high calcium content, and eat some roughage to stimulate the eruption of permanent teeth. In addition, parents must supervise their children to use toothbrushes correctly and develop good hygiene habits to keep the mouth clean.

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