What to do if you get body wash in your eye.

When the patient has a shower gel into the eyes, you need to promptly use water to rinse, pain, congestion and other serious discomfort can also follow the doctor’s instructions to use drugs for treatment. It is recommended that patients pay attention to eye rest, long time discomfort need to consult a doctor in time to avoid delaying the condition.

1. Rinse with water: shower gel is a chemical substance that stays in the eyes for a long time and may irritate the skin of the outer eyelid and the conjunctiva, leading to inflammation, so when the shower gel enters the eyes, you need to use flowing water to rinse the eyes to reduce the damage to the eyes.

2. medication: when the shower gel into the eyes for a long time after the pain, congestion, tearing and other symptoms, you can follow the doctor’s instructions according to the individual choice to use levofloxacin eye drops, recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor eye drops to alleviate the symptoms.

If eye discomfort is recommended to the hospital for treatment, do not self-medication.

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