What foods to eat to raise white blood cells fast

The food that raises leukocytes quickly is as follows: 1, you should eat refined lean meat, such as refined beef, lamb, pork, etc., can effectively raise leukocytes, and in refined meat, especially beef raises leukocytes. 2, seafood food, such as refined fish, shrimp, crab in the white meat, and eels, river crab can effectively raise leukocytes. 3, you should take plant protein and animal protein at the same time. The main focus should be on plant protein to supplement animal protein to supplement the lack of white blood cells, such as soy products can also raise white blood cells. 4, you can also take fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and trace elements are relatively high, can also help to play a role and effect of raising white blood cells, you can apply for example, cereals, peanuts, can also apply for example soy products or milk and other foods, can raise white blood cells. Of course, the role of food to raise white blood cells is limited and can only be used as an aid. For lower white blood cells, a hospital visit is required to identify the cause and provide targeted treatment.

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