Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol Red or White First

Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol Insurance Liquid is red, Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol is white, heavier bruises should be sprayed first red, then white. There are two bottles of Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol, the red one is Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol Insurance Liquid, which has a more rapid analgesic effect, and the white one is Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol, which has the efficacy of subduing swelling and relieving pain (eliminating swelling and pain), invigorating blood circulation and dissipating blood stasis (promoting the blood circulation and eliminating stagnation of blood in the body). It is used for stasis and swelling, bruises, muscle aches and pains, and rheumatic pain. The instructions for this product point out that in the case of heavier closed bruises, spray red Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol Insurance Liquid first, and then spray white Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol after an interval of 3 minutes. Adverse reactions to this product can be seen as allergic drug rash, manifested as rash, skin flushing and itching. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, alcohol allergy, hypersensitivity to the product, broken skin and mucous membranes, pus. The product is prohibited for internal use. The drug should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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