Do 5 things every morning, can make your ears and eyesight, better than taking a bunch of tonic!

Get up in the morning to do these 5 things, than eat a bunch of tonic are useful, can make your ears and eyes, refreshing! 1, get up in the morning to stay in bed for a while Morning is the time when Yang Qi is born, people just wake up in the morning, if the internal organs have any discomfort or joint pain, this time will show up. Therefore, even if you wake up in the morning, do not get up immediately, so that you can avoid causing discomfort to the heart, joints and other parts of the body. Modern medical research has found that during sleep, the body systems are in a semi-hibernation state, and after waking up, it takes a process for the systems to recover their functions. Therefore, people do not get up immediately after waking up, first lie in bed for a while, and then slowly sit up. 2, the morning “spit out the old and new” After a night’s rest, there will be sticky phlegm in the mouth in the morning. General people in the morning should first go to urine and faeces, rinse mouth and brush teeth. Secondly, there is also something to be said for opening windows to change the air. The sun rises in the morning but the fog is not yet dispersed, many people immediately open the windows for ventilation, at this time “wind evil” is most likely to enter the body. The best practice is to get up first dressed to keep warm, rinse mouth and drink water after all things come to an end, and then slowly go to open the window. 3, the morning lyric lyric chest specific practice is: with both hands of the large fish line along the front chest downward push, after the Tanzhong point to have a certain strength. The two hands alternate running, do 200 times. Adhere to this method for a long time, you can maintain a clear mind. 4, morning pinch ears up in the morning, do pinch ears of small movements, help wake up the brain. Sit down, use both palms to press the two ear holes, the middle three fingers of both hands – index finger, middle finger, ring finger, lightly hit the back of the occipital bone a dozen times, then, palm by the ear hole, finger by the occipital bone for a few seconds without moving, and then suddenly lift away, after a while and as before, press the ear, hit the occipital bone, hit like a drum sound. Repeat this many times to clear the mind, enhance memory, and for hypertensive patients there is also the role of diastolic blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. 5, wake up and move the legs, wake up and move the legs, the morning will be more spirit. The specific method is, first with the right foot from the bend of the leg from the top to push the left leg stomach down to the heel, and then repeat the action with the left foot on the right leg stomach. Each repeated 9 times. Then use the outside of the right foot to push the outside of the left calf from the knee up and down. Then repeat the movement with the left foot on the outside of the right leg. Repeat each 9 times. In fact, this action in the massage of the calf, the ankle bone in the force, press to the foot three miles, there is a sore feeling, the foot down the massage, unconsciously even the palm of the foot and the heart of the foot are also massaged. Regular massage of the foot three miles, the palm of the foot can promote blood circulation in the lower limbs and feet, and has a positive effect on the prevention of vascular disease in the lower limbs.

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