Diagnostic criteria for asthma

  1. Recurrent episodes of wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness or cough are mostly associated with exposure to allergens, cold air, physical and chemical irritation, viral upper respiratory tract infection, and exercise.  2.Disseminated or diffuse croup, mainly in the expiratory phase, can be heard in both lungs during the attack, and the expiratory phase is prolonged.  3, the above symptoms can be alleviated by treatment or remitted on their own.4 Those with atypical symptoms (such as no obvious wheezing or signs) should have at least one of the following positive tests: (1) positive bronchial excitation test or exercise test; (2) positive bronchodilatation test (an increase in forceful expiratory volume FEV1 by 15% or more in one second, and the absolute value of FEV1 increase >200ml; (3) maximum expiratory flow ( (3) Intraday variability or diurnal fluctuation rate of maximum expiratory flow (PEF) ≥ 20%.5 Excluding wheezing, chest tightness and cough caused by other diseases.

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