Are itchy white spots a sign of improvement?

White spots may be caused by mottled albinism, albinism, florid chaff rash, vitiligo, etc. Itchy white spots may be a sign of improvement, or it may be a progressive stage of the disease, and specific cases need to be analyzed. White spots are usually white patches that occur in various parts of the skin, mainly caused by the reduction of melanin under the skin, usually milky white or porcelain white white white spots, and the border between the skin is clearer. It can be seen in mottled albinism, albinism, florid chaff rash, vitiligo and other diseases. Itchy white spots may be a sign of improvement, or it may be an itchy symptom of the disease progression itself. If you want to determine whether it is getting better, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time, conduct relevant examinations, according to the doctor’s judgment, to clarify the recovery of the disease, do not take medication on their own, need to be used under the guidance of the doctor.

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