Four practical tips for kindergarten classes

A good lesson cannot be taught without the teacher’s guidance and encouragement, and the teacher’s teaching language is the most direct way of expression. A teacher who uses classroom language well is halfway to success, so early childhood teachers should pay more attention to the use of classroom language. For teachers of young children, it is not enough to be accurate, clear, and standardized, but they must also make the language “childlike” in order to attract young children. Teaching practice also shows that classroom atmosphere is active and lively with child-oriented language, which is easy for children to accept. Therefore, early childhood teachers should pay attention to the careful design of their own teaching language. I. Sweetness Young children have an instinctive mindset that they expect to be “caressed” by their teachers. If teachers use indifferent language to teach children, they will be sensitive to it, and they will return the same indifference to you, so the teachers’ teaching will not be effective. Therefore, it is important to have motherly and gentle expressions and tones in teaching, so as to effectively stimulate children’s inner experience and let them gain knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. For example, the beginning of the lesson “Knowing Fireflies” in the older class: “Children, the teacher will tell you a story: one day, the white rabbit went to pick mushrooms, and it was dark on the way back. The little white rabbit couldn’t find his home and cried in anxiety. A few fireflies flew over and said to the little white rabbit: ‘Don’t worry, we are here to help you.’ With that, they lit the little lights behind them brighter and quickly helped the little white rabbit find his home. Think about it, kids. Is that little glowing thing behind the firefly really a lamp? Why does it glow? Okay, today, let’s get to know fireflies together.” In my opinion, when teachers speak in this way, the language achieves a “sweet” requirement. The basic requirements to make the language “sweet” are: 1. The teacher should glow with the heart of a child, enter the role, and use kind, natural, innocent expressions and language to make children feel the innocence of the feelings. 2. The tone of voice should be soothing and gentle. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The children’s thinking is intuitive and imaginative, and they are easily swayed by interest. Therefore, teachers should use vivid and imaginative language with children’s interest to describe the teaching content and requirements in order to attract their attention and motivate them. Here are the instructional phrases for children learning Hanyu Pinyin “u” and “ü”): There are two dots on the head of “ü” (point them out with colored pencils while talking), and these two dots are the eyes of the little fish. The little fish is wearing a beautiful dress, and the eyes on its face, black and bright, we can see at a glance. But “u” thieves fish, it is best to put the gas bomb, so that the whole body is black, the eyes are also black, the eyes we can still see clearly? That’s right, the eyes we can not see it. So, there are no two dots on the head of “u”.” The basic requirements for the childishness of teaching terms are as follows: 1. Use such techniques as similes, metaphors and exaggerations to stimulate children’s “internal vision” and stimulate their imagination to recreate new things. 2. Transform boring word concepts into vivid and intuitive images of things by making up children’s songs and stories. 3.Short Young children have short attention span and underdeveloped instantaneous memory. Therefore, they have more difficulty in understanding longer or complex statements. If a sentence has more than eight words, then children will listen to the back and forget the front. Therefore, this requires teachers to use short, rhythmic language that is appropriate to the children’s mental development level in order for them to be receptive to the lesson. Here is the teacher’s prompt for the children’s song “Where is Spring”: “In this song, there are so many things to write about in spring! Like flowers, trees, mountains, wind and rain, bees, butterflies and so on …… Children should listen and think: where is spring? Find spring in the children’s song.” The basic requirements of short and concise teaching terms are: 1. Use more “loose sentences”. That is, a long sentence is divided into several shorter units of words to express. But we should pay attention to grammar and language standard. 2. Use more words and sentences that are familiar and expressive to children, and avoid too many rusty additional components. The classroom flexibility to use some natural, friendly, like family ramblings, like family and friends to catch up “insert language”, can play a role in regulating the mood of children listening to the lesson, to enhance their attention. For example: 1. Suddenly an airplane flies over the classroom with a deafening sound when we are having a calculation lesson. “Airplane, airplane!” One child screamed. The whole class turned their heads and looked around, looking and yelling. Some of them even wanted to leave their seats to look outside. At this point, the teacher had an idea: “Good, airplanes, let’s listen to our older children count too. I’m going to ask one of the children to stand up and count for the pilot uncle on the plane, okay?” “Yes!” According to the usual habits, the children have raised their small hands. 2, a timid child, in answering the question in a very soft voice, the children could not hear clearly. The teacher smiled and said, “Who is it for? For yourself? Or is it for everyone?” The teacher subtly pointed out the shortcomings and made a request, politely and kindly. In short, the flexible “lyrical interjection” is a flash of inspiration for teachers of young children, a crystallization of teaching wit, and a good medicine for children’s minds.

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