What to do if you have a brain stem hemorrhage and are in a coma with your eyes open for three months?

When symptoms of eye-opening coma occur three months after a brain stem hemorrhage, the cause needs to be identified and further analyzed. Brain stem injury eyes open coma is actually a persistent vegetative state, you can use the following methods to try to stimulate: 1. Light stimulation: dim the light in the ward, and repeatedly irradiate the patient’s bilateral facial and frontal areas with emergency lights and other light sources after wrapping them in colored paper. 2. verbal stimulation: call out the patient’s name, arrange for family and friends to visit, tell the patient more happy things, take encouraging language and other verbal stimulation can mobilize the potential capacity of the cerebral cortex 3. Music stimulation: playing patients’ favorite music and opera, etc. Music stimulation can effectively promote the increase of cerebral blood flow, regulate the brainstem reticular formation and cerebral limbic system, promote the compensation of uninvolved brain cells, make up for the function of brain cells damaged by lesions, and accelerate the recovery of patients’ consciousness. If the above methods are ineffective for patients with brainstem hemorrhage in three months with eyes open coma, it is recommended to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment under the doctor’s guidance.

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