Ways to improve blood hypoxia

The lack of oxygen in the blood may be caused by low partial pressure of inhaled oxygen, pneumonia and other factors. Common methods of improvement include oxygen therapy, medication and other methods, which should be chosen according to the disease under the guidance of the doctor. 1. Low partial pressure of inhaled oxygen: it will lead to lack of oxygen in the blood, confusion and fatigue, and in serious cases, it will lead to shock and death. Patients can be treated with oxygen under the guidance of a doctor to increase the level of oxygen in the blood and improve the condition of lack of oxygen in the body. 2. Pneumonia: When a patient suffers from pneumonia, the ventilation and blood flow will be reduced, which will easily lead to the lack of oxygen in the blood. Patients should be treated with oxygen under the guidance of doctors, together with the use of cefixime capsules, amoxicillin capsules, azithromycin tablets and other anti-infective drugs. There are other reasons for patients’ blood hypoxia, they should go to the hospital in time and take appropriate methods for treatment, so as not to delay the patient’s condition and cause adverse effects.

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