Can you take Right Angelica Pills for Yin-Yang deficiency?

You cannot take Right Angelica Pill alone for Yin-Yang deficiency. Right Angelica Pill is composed of Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Radix Pseudostellariae, Radix Cinnamomum Cassiae, Rhizoma Coptidis, Cornu Cervi, Semen Cuscutae, and Radix Deuterococcus. It is used for warming Kidney-Yang (warming and replenishing the kidney yang qi), filling up the essence and stopping ejaculation (filling up and stabilizing the essence and qi, preventing ejaculation and slippage of the sperms). It is used for deficiency of kidney yang (lack of yang qi of the kidneys), failure of vital fire (weakness of kidney yang of the organism, reduced function of warming and promoting the operation of qi and blood), grimy coldness of the waist and knees, dysphoria, cold and fear of cold, impotence and spermatorrhea, loose stools, and frequent and clear urination. Adverse reactions and contraindications are not known. From the efficacy and function of Right Angelica Pill, Right Angelica Pill is mainly used for the treatment of kidney yang deficiency, yin and yang deficiency can not be a single use of Right Angelica Pill, need to be combined medication. Such as the left pill and right pill to take together; such as six flavors of dihuang pill, big tonic yin pill and Epimedium, Ba Ji Tian and other drugs to complement the yang, so as to achieve the purpose of the treatment of yin and yang double tonic. Yin and yang deficiency people need to use the above drugs under the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, not to use their own drugs to avoid adverse effects on the body.

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