Can you do weight loss exercises while breastfeeding?

Diet exercises are not recommended for 42 days after delivery and for women with unhealed cesarean wounds during breastfeeding, and diet exercises are allowed for women who have had a normal delivery.
Diet exercise is not recommended within 42 days after cesarean section because diet exercise generally refers to aerobic exercise of more than 30 minutes, which is not suitable for mothers within 42 days after delivery and cesarean section wounds have not healed. Breastfeeding women should also not engage in strenuous exercise such as jumping rope, playing basketball and fast running before their bodies have fully recovered, so as not to cause uterine prolapse and muscle relaxation.
After 42 days postpartum and cesarean section wounds have healed mothers can be appropriate to jump weight loss exercise, not only will not affect the normal secretion of breast milk, but also promote blood circulation, help maternal body recovery.
Breastfeeding women want to lose weight, but also through the correct diet to regulate, it is recommended that more intake of protein-rich soup food, such as pig’s trotters soybean soup, tofu crucian carp soup, chicken soup, etc., meat and vegetables should be balanced.

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