Gorgonian action and efficacy

Gorgon fruit is sweet and astringent, belongs to the spleen and kidney meridians, and has the function of strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea, benefiting the kidney and fixing the essence, removing dampness and stopping bandages. This product is good at strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, astringent intestines and stopping diarrhea, and is often used for prolonged diarrhea caused by weak spleen and dampness, and can be used in combination with Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria and lotus seeds, or with white lentils and yam. Gorgonian is sweet, astringent and astringent, which can benefit the kidney and fix the essence, and can treat spermatorrhea and frequent urination caused by kidney deficiency. For kidney deficiency, white cloudy urine is caused by leakage of kidney essence, so Gorgon fruit can be combined with mulberry cuttlebone. For urinary emission in children, Gorgon fruit can be combined with Cuscuta sinensis and Shrinking Spring Pill. Increased leucorrhea in women is usually caused by deficiency of spleen and kidney yang, and Gorgon fruit can be combined with Jinzhu Zi and Jin Kui Kidney Qi Pill.

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