What should I do if my 10-month-old baby poops once every 6 or 7 days?

Ten months baby six or seven days stool can be seen in constipation, congenital megacolon, intervention needs to be decided according to the cause, such as congenital megacolon caused by may need surgery. 1. constipation: usually refers to functional constipation, that is, the baby appeared dry stool defecation difficulties, defecation interval prolonged, the number of times become less, some babies can have abdominal pain and other symptoms. Treatment should pay attention to adjust the diet, increase the intake of water and dietary fiber, the use of corkscrew so that the stool is easy to discharge, while oral laxatives, such as lactulose oral solution, etc., can also be taken orally, such as clostridium casei live bacteria, etc., to regulate the intestinal flora and other treatments. 2. Congenital megacolon: these babies mostly have delayed discharge of fetal stools, usually have stubborn constipation, combined with the history and X-ray examination can be diagnosed, diagnosis is clear, surgery should be discretionary, for the combination of infection or obstruction should be actively control the infection first, to relieve the obstruction. Conservative treatment, such as enema and Kesiclovir, can be used before surgical treatment. All of the above medications should be used under the guidance of a specialist. If your baby is suffering from any of the above conditions, it is recommended that you seek prompt medical attention and be evaluated by a specialist for appropriate intervention.

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