Can you soak your feet in pepper water for eczema?

Eczema is a chronic skin disease, pepper water will have no therapeutic effect on eczema, and may produce irritation, it is not recommended to use pepper water foot soak with eczema. Peppercorns for flavoring, pepper water has no role in the treatment of eczema, foot soak is a folk remedy, no scientific basis. Peppercorns are spicy and have a strong irritant, which can cause irritation after contact with the skin and may aggravate the condition of eczema. Eczema need to minimize external stimuli, such as hot water scalding, scratching, skin stimulating substances. The treatment mostly uses topical glucocorticoid preparations, such as hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, halometasone, etc., the specific use of drugs need to follow the doctor’s instructions. Eczema is difficult to cure, the condition is prone to recurrence, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time for standardized treatment.

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