Will you be numb for the rest of your life after a brain hemorrhage?

Whether you will be numb for the rest of your life after a brain hemorrhage cannot be generalized, but is mainly related to the amount of brain hemorrhage and the location of the hemorrhage. 1. Cerebral hemorrhage bleeding volume (1) A small amount of cerebral hemorrhage caused by edema around the bleeding site is not obvious, the degree of compression of normal brain tissue is light, the numbness caused by the symptoms are relatively light, after timely control of blood pressure, mannitol dehydration to reduce intracranial pressure treatment, reduce the destruction of normal brain tissue, after the acute period, rehabilitation therapy, most patients will be relieved of numbness in about 3 months. (2) When the amount of cerebral hemorrhage is large, the normal brain tissue is severely damaged. Since the brain tissue is not regenerative, even through treatment, the damaged brain tissue cannot be recovered, resulting in numbness that may accompany the patient for the rest of his/her life. 2. Cerebral hemorrhage site: for example, the hemorrhage site is located in the internal capsule, which directly affects the function of brain tissues, numbness of limbs, limb weakness and hemiplegia, in this case, the numbness caused by the patient may be accompanied by the patient’s life, even if the timely treatment, may not be able to get better, and after a few years, the patient may still feel numbness, which affects his/her daily life. Patients with cerebral hemorrhage, need to go to the hospital in time, and actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, so as not to affect the prognosis of the disease.

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