What’s with the frequent violent dreams?

There are many reasons for frequent violent dreams, which can usually be categorized into non-disease factors of stress or fright and neurological or psychiatric disease factors. 1. Non-disease factors: it may be caused by high pressure in life, which leads to violent dreams caused by mental tension, or it may be caused by being frightened in daily life, so we should actively look for the causes, do some outdoor exercise, relax and improve positively. 2. Disease factors: may be the precursor of brain disease, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s syndrome, schizophrenia, affective psychosis and so on may cause the symptoms of frequent violent dreams, need to go to the regular hospital in time for treatment. If often have violent dreams and affect the normal life, should promptly seek medical attention, under the guidance of the doctor to identify the cause of the disease and treatment, do not make blind judgments, so as not to affect the treatment of the disease.

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