What are the effects and functions of honeydew

Honey pomelo is a kind of pomelo, pomelo is also known as pomelo, fragrant pomelo, Shatian pomelo, cold in nature, sweet and sour in flavor, belonging to the liver, spleen and stomach meridian.
Efficacy: eliminating food, resolving phlegm, waking up wine
Applicable people: Pomelo directly eat or juice drink can be used for phlegm sticky yellow cough and other people; and the skin together with water to drink can be used for loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension and pain and other people.
Nutritional value: grapefruit contains carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements and other nutrients, including vitamin C, flavonoids content.
Serving method: suitable for eating raw or juicing and drinking.
Precautions: people with poor spleen and stomach function and easy to eat cold diarrhea should be cautious to eat honeydew.
In the case of daily consumption, the food efficacy is limited and cannot play a role in the treatment of disease. If you have any uncomfortable symptoms, please consult a doctor in time to avoid delay.

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