What’s wrong with your upper teeth and lower teeth?

A common cause of toothache is pulpitis. Pulpitis is the result of untreated tooth decay and bacterial infection of the nerve. The clinical features of pulpitis are hot and cold stimulation pain, temperature stimulation pain aggravation, night pain and pain can not be localized. In pulpitis, the pain can not be localized, can not be clearly pointed out which tooth is in pain, one time the upper tooth hurts and the other time the lower tooth hurts, and sometimes there will be pain in the whole mouth. Clinically, the pain can be relieved after dental treatment by checking the teeth for cavities, local anesthesia or taking apical radiographs of the teeth to identify the affected teeth. Therefore, a toothache in the upper teeth and a toothache in the lower teeth is a typical clinical symptom of pulpitis, which can be treated to relieve the pain, and needs to go to the dentist for medical treatment.

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